(325) 262-2133
6341 Steward Rd #236
Galveston, TX 77551

Sheila Jones PhD RD LD

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Sheila Jones PhD RD LD

Dietitian Consultant
Abilene, Texas

Sheila Jones has been teaching Nutrition to future Registered Dietitian Nutritionists at Abilene Christian University for 22 years.  She serves as chair of the Department of Kinesiology & Nutrition.  She teaches both undergraduate and graduate Nutrition courses – her favorite courses are Biochemistry of Nutrition and Nutritional Genomics.  Her favorite topic is phytochemicals.   Throughout her years as an RD, she has worked full-time in acute care hospitals and has consulted in approximately 25 facilities, including long-term care facilities, small acute care hospitals, psychiatric facilities, and prisons.  Her home is in the country outside of Albany, Texas and she enjoys taking care of animals, gardening, and being outdoors.

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